Two Superintendents of Silk and Silk-worms’ eggs |
yen„ 00,240 |
yen 29,238
The officials number 69; one of the 5th class, one of the 7th, 48 from the 8th to the 15th, and 19 below the 15th.
Statistics of the produce of the Ken and given under no less than 75 heads, of which I can here only cite some of the more important figures. The number of young mulberry trees is a million and a half. The quantity of leaf 69,046,668 lbs. The weight of Cocoons 1,800,000 lbs. Of Silk 88,176 lbs. Of Pierced Cocoons 231,400 lbs. The Silk-worms-eggs numbered 199,981 Cards; last year there were upwards of 230,000.
Of Silk piece goods there were manufactured 14,000 double pieces (hiki) the length of the single piece (tan) being 281/2 feet.
Of lacquer gum there was collected 3,608 lbs. and of lacquer ware there was wade 110 horse-loads (one horse-load is 40 kuamme=3331/3 lbs.) The lacquer ware is all made for the Yokohama market.
The Ken produces 346,775 lbs. of Tobacco, chiefly exported to Echigo, its flavour being stronger than is liked in Tôkiô.
Saké is an important article of export; 13,751 koku are brewed, most of which is sent to Sakata.
The mountain sides are well wooded, the quantity of timber felled is given at 46,880 loads of Cedar and 16,489 loads of Pine.
Pen-making is one of the industries of the district the number manufactured is returned as 3,102,500 pairs. Of candles there were made 62,598 lbs. and of pomatum 130,670 lbs. Indigo was produced to the extent of 188,808 lbs. and the flax crop yielded 579,891 lbs.
The prices quoted in the table of statistics sufficiently illustrate the difficulty of communication. In the outlying valley of Oguni the value of best rice is stated to