Page:Table-Talk (1821).djvu/292

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successfully try, in this way, to give the finishing stroke to our pictures, hang up our weaknesses

    A Female Skeleton,
    A Dried Cockatrice.
    Item, To my Daughter Elizabeth,
    My Receipt for preserving dead Caterpillars,
    As also my Preparations of Winter May-Dew, and Embrio Pickle.
    Item, to my little Daughter Fanny,
    Three Crocodiles’ Eggs.
    And upon the Birth of her first Child, if she marries with her Mother’s Consent,
    The Nest of a Humming Bird.
    Item, To my eldest Brother, as an acknowledgment for the Lands he has vested in my Son Charles, I bequeath
    My last Year’s Collection of Grasshoppers.
    Item, To his Daughter Susanna, being his only Child, I bequeath my
    English Weeds pasted on Royal Paper,
    With my large Folio of Indian Cabbage.
    ******* Having fully provided for my Nephew Isaac, by making over to him some years since
    A horned Scarabœus,
    The Skin of a Rattle-Snake, and
    The Mummy of an Egyptian King,
    I make no further Provision for him in this my Will.
    My eldest Son John having spoken disrespectfully of his little Sister, whom I keep by me in Spirits of Wine, and in many other Instances behaved himself undutifully towards me, I do disinherit, and wholly cut off from any Part of this my Personal Estate, by giving him a single Cockle-Shell.