Page:Tag (1909).djvu/140

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acquaintances so attached to me as that darned kid and his pup.”

Now the consciousness of their nefarious design gave Patty guilty thrills when the hand of Bateese stole into hers, but she steeled herself with remembrances of past tribulation and hopes of future joyous freedom. At noon, having reached a quaint whitewashed domicile bearing over the door the imposing legend, “Chateau Bel Air,” they descended and partook of luncheon. Ample justice was done to the homely fare, especially by Bateese, who was urged to eat with quite needless warmth. They here obtained some information, which caused the elder members of the party to exchange excited glances. It seemed that there was a flag station two miles further up the road, and a mile beyond was an orphan asylum kept by a colony of French nuns. Their host volunteered the information in shattered Eng-