Page:Tak your auld cloak about ye (1).pdf/7

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My daddy says, gin I'll forsake him,
he'll gie me gude hunder marks ten;
But if it's ordain'd I maun tak him,
O wha will I get but Tam Glen?

Yestreen at the valentines dealin',
my heart to my mou' gied a sten,
for thrice I drew ane without failin',
and thrice it was written, Tam Glen.

The last Hallowe'en I was wauking
my droukit sark-sleeve, as ye ken,
His likeness cam up the house staukin,
and the very grey breeks o’ Tam Glen.

Come counsel dear tittie, dont tarry;
I'll gie you a bonny black hen,
Gin ye will advise me to marry
the lad I loe dearly, Tam Glen,


From thee, Eliza, I must go,
and from my native shore;
The cruel fates between us throw,

a boundless oceans roar;