Page:Tales for the farmers' ingle-neuk (2).pdf/4

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on the handle. I shuddered to think that with this very instrument the fatal deed was probably committed, and we were confirmed in this opinion by discovering marks of blood on the handle, which the water had not wholly washed away.

When the ceremony of interment was over, and before any person began to retire, Mr Thomson, standing on a grave-stone, informed the company, that it was the wish of the sheriff that no person should be permitted to leave the church-yard till an examination had taken place, which might serve to throw some light on this dark and horrid business. 'Huzza!' cried Robert Stewart; "that's right! I'll guard the yett, and let none out.' 'You are saved that trouble, young man, replied Mr Thomson, for there are constables already posted at the gate, and none need attempt to escape. I must request every person,' continued he, 'to sit down on the grass in the vacant space at the north side of the church, arranged as nearly in rows as possible. That you may not think this request unnecessary, I will explain to you the reason of it. The murderer, whoever he was, left the impression of his shoe on some new dug ground near the spot where the crime was committed. An accurate drawing of the form and dimensions of that impression has been taken by my friend Mr Johnson, and is now in my hand. Our intention is to examine the feet of all who are present, and compare their shoes with this draught, in hopes that this measure may tend