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Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 1.djvu/264

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The Third Night of the Month.

When it was the time of the evening meal, the king repaired to the sitting-chamber and summoning the vizier, sought of him the story he had promised him; and the vizier said, “They avouch, O king, that


There came to a king of the kings, in his old age, a son, who grew up comely, quick-witted and intelligent, and when he came to years of discretion and became a young man, his father said to him, ‘Take this kingdom and govern it in my stead, for I desire to flee [from the world] to God the Most High and don the gown of wool and give myself up to devotion.’ Quoth the prince, ‘And I also desire to take refuge with God the Most High.’ And the king said, ‘Arise, let us flee forth and make for the mountains and worship in them, for shamefastness before God the Most High.’

So they gat them raiment of wool and clothing themselves therewith, went forth and wandered in the deserts and wastes; but, when some days had passed over them, they became weak for hunger and repented them of that

  1. i.e. the essential nature, lit. jewel.