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Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 2.djvu/125

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The Twenty-Eighth and Last Night of the Month.

When the evening evened, the king summoned the vizier and bade him tell the story of the King of Hind and his vizier. So he said, “Hearkening and obedience. Know, O king of august lineage, that


There was once in the land of Hind a king of illustrious station, endowed with understanding and good sense, and his name was Shah Bekht. He had a vizier, a man of worth and intelligence, prudent in counsel, conformable to him in his governance and just in his judgment; wherefore his enviers were many and many were the hypocrites, who sought in him faults and set snares for him, so that they insinuated into King Shah Bekht’s eye hatred and rancour against him and sowed despite against him in his heart; and plot followed after plot, till [at last] the king was brought to arrest him and lay him in prison and confiscate his good and avoid his estate.[1]

When they knew that there was left him no estate

  1. i.e. deprive him of his rank.