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Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 2.djvu/161

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madman!” till I came to my house and knocked at the door; whereupon out came my wife and seeing me naked, tall, bareheaded, cried out and ran in again, saying, “This is a madman, a Satan!” But, when she and my family knew me, they rejoiced and said to me, “What aileth thee?” I told them that thieves had taken my clothes and stripped me and had been like to kill me; and when I told them that they would have killed me, they praised God the Most High and gave me joy of my safety. So consider the craft of this woman and this device that she practised upon me, for all my pretensions to sleight and quickwittedness.’

The company marvelled at this story and at the doings of women. Then came forward a fourth officer and said, ‘Verily, that which hath betided me of strange adventures is yet more extraordinary than this; and it was on this wise.