Then said he whom she had delivered from torture and for whom she had paid a thousand dirhems and who had required her of herself in his house, for that her beauty pleased him, and [when she refused to yield to him] had forged a letter against her and treacherously denounced her to the Sultan and requited her bounty with ingratitude, ‘I am he who wronged her and lied against her, and this is the issue of the oppressor’s affair.’
When she heard their words, in the presence of the folk, she said, ‘Praise be to God, the King who availeth unto all things, and blessing upon His prophets and apostles!’ Then quoth she [to the assembly], ‘Bear witness, O ye who are present, to these men’s speech, and know that I am that woman whom they confess that they wronged.’ And she turned to her husband’s brother and said to him, ‘I am thy brother’s wife and God (extolled be His perfection and exalted be He!) delivered me from that whereinto thou castedst me of false accusation and suspect and from the frowardness whereof thou hast spoken, and [now] hath He shown forth my innocence, of His bounty and generosity. Go, for thou art absolved of the wrong thou didst me.’ Then she prayed for him and he was made whole of his sickness.
Then said she to the villager’s son, ‘Know that I am the woman whom thy father delivered from harm and stress and whom there betided from thee of false accusation and frowardness that which thou hast named.’ And she craved pardon for him and he was made whole of his sickness. [Then said she to the thief, ‘I am she against whom thou liedst, avouching that I was thy