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Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 2.djvu/301

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So she hastened to admit the eunuch, who entered; and when he saw the Commander of the Faithful, he saluted not neither kissed the earth, but said, ‘Quick, quick! Arise in haste! My lady Tuhfeh sitteth in her chamber, singing a goodly ditty. Come to her in haste and see all that I say to thee! Hasten! She sitteth [in her chamber].’ The Khalif was amazed at his speech and said to him, ‘What sayst thou?’ ‘Didst thou not hear the first of the speech?’ replied the eunuch. ‘Tuhfeh sitteth in the sleeping-chamber, singing and playing the lute. Come thy quickliest! Hasten!’ So Er Reshid arose and donned his clothes; but he credited not the eunuch’s words and said to him, ‘Out on thee! What is this thou sayst? Hast thou not seen this in a dream?’ ‘By Allah,’ answered the eunuch, ‘I know not what thou sayest, and I was not asleep.’ Quoth Er Reshid, ‘If thy speech be true, it shall be for thy good luck, for I will enfranchise thee and give thee a thousand dinars; but, if it be untrue and thou have seen this in sleep, I will crucify thee.’ And the eunuch said in himself, ‘O Protector,[1] let me not have seen this in sleep!’ Then he left the Khalif and going to the chamber-door, heard the sound of singing and lute-playing; whereupon he returned to Er Reshid and said to him, ‘Go and hearken and see who is asleep.’

When Er Reshid drew near the door of the chamber, he heard the sound of the lute and Tuhfeh’s voice singing; whereat he could not restrain his reason and was like

  1. One of the names of God.