The Nineteenth Night of the Month.
When the evening evened, the king bade fetch the vizier and required of him the story of the journeyman and the girl. So he said, “Hearkening and obedience. Know, O august king, that
There was once, of old time, in one of the tribes of the Arabs, a woman great with child by her husband, and they had a hired servant, a man of excellent understanding. When the woman came to [the time of her] delivery, she gave birth to a maid-child in the night and they sought fire of the neighbours. So the journeyman went in quest of fire.
Now there was in the camp a wise woman,[1] and she questioned him of the new-born child, if it was male or female. Quoth he, ‘It is a girl;’ and she said, ‘She shall do whoredom with a hundred men and a journeyman shall marry her and a spider shall slay her.’ When the journeyman heard this, he returned upon his steps and going in to the woman, took the child from her by wile and slit its paunch. Then he fled forth into the desert at a venture and abode in strangerhood what [while] God willed.
- ↑ Or divineress (kahineh).