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Page:Tales from the Arabic, Vol 2.djvu/57

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subtract this from aught of my due.’ So they fell out upon this and disputed with one another and each went saying to his fellow, ‘I will not give thee a dirhem!’ And words ran high between them and contention was prolonged.

Meanwhile, when the thieves halted, one of them said to the others, ‘Let us return and see;’ and the captain said, ‘This thing is impossible of the dead: never heard we that they came to life on this wise. So let us return and take our good, for that the dead have no occasion for good.’ And they were divided in opinion as to returning: but [presently they came to a decision and] said, ‘Indeed, our arms are gone and we cannot avail against them and will not draw near the place where they are: only let one of us [go thither and] look at it, and if he hear no sound of them, let him advertise us what we shall do.’ So they agreed that they should send a man of them and assigned him [for this service] two parts [of the booty].

Accordingly, he returned to the burial-ground and gave not over going till he stood at the door of the sepulchre, when he heard El Merouzi say to his fellow, ‘I will not give thee a single dirhem of the money!’ The other said the like and they were occupied with contention and mutual revilement and talk. So the thief returned in haste to his fellows, who said, ‘What is behind thee?’ Quoth he, ‘Get you gone and flee for your lives and save yourselves, O fools; for that much people of the dead are come to life and between them are words and contention.’ So the thieves fled, whilst the two sharpers