Page:Tales of my landlord (Volume 4).djvu/352

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for six months before it came about, and the putting matters to rights occupied her the other six, so that a single day off rejoicing found her business for all the year round."

"And Niel Blane?"

"Lived to a good old age, drank ale and brandy with guests of all persuasions, played whig or jacobite tunes as best pleased his customers, and died worth as much money as married Jenny to a cocklaird. I hope, ma'am, you have no other enquiries to make, for really"——

"Goose-Gibbie, sir—Goose-Gibbie; whose ministry was fraught with such consequences to the personages of the narrative?"

"Consider, my dear Miss Buskbody," (I beg pardon for the familiarity,)—"but pray consider even the memory of the renowned Scheherazade, that Empress of Tale-tellers, could not preserve every circumstance. I am not quite positive as to the fate of Goose-Gibbie, but am inclined