jointure: 46 (II. i. 364)
joltheads: 67 (IV. i. 169)
jump: 19 (I. i. 194)
junkets: 60 (III. ii. 251)
Kates: 39 (II. i. 190)
kennel: 77 (IV. iii. 98)
kersey: 54 (III. ii. 69)
kindly: 3 (Ind. i. 66)
knack: 76 (IV. iii. 67)
knavery: 75 (IV. iii. 58)
lampass: 53 (III. ii. 53)
larums: 28 (I. ii. 210)
Latin: 23 (I. ii. 29)
laying: 99 (V. ii. 130)
Leda's daughter: 30 (I. ii. 247)
leet: 10 (Ind. ii. 89)
leges: 22 (I. ii. 28)
lewd: 76 (IV. iii. 65)
lie: 83 (IV. iv. 56)
light: 39 (II. i. 204)
like not of (care not for): 34 (II. i. 65)
likes (pleases): 83 (IV. iv. 62)
liking: 28 (I. ii. 186)
link: 65 (IV. i. 137)
list (noun): 54 (III. ii. 70)
list, seize thee that: 51 (III. i. 92)
logger-headed: 65 (IV. i. 128)
Lombardy: 12 (I. i. 3)
long (adverb): 94 (V. ii. 1)
longeth (verb): 70 (IV. ii. 45)
longly: 18 (I. i. 169)
love, their: 16 (I. i. 107)
love in idleness: 17 (I. i. 155)
lovely: 56 (III. ii. 126)
Lucrece: 43 (II. i. 290)
lure: 68 (IV. i. 195)
lusty: 38 (II. i. 161)
malt-horse: 65 (IV. i. 132)
man my haggard: 68 (IV. i. 196)
mark: 21 (I. i. 257 S. d.)
mart: 44 (II. i. 321)
masquing: 77 (IV. iii. 87)
match, a: 97 (V. ii. 74)
mates (persons): 14 (I. i 58)
mates (husbands): 14 (I. i. 59)
me: 22 (I. ii. 8)
Me Pardonato: 13 (I. i. 25)
meacock: 44 (II. i. 307)
meaner: 19 (I. i. 209)
mercatante: 71 (IV. ii. 63)
merest: 2 (Ind. i. 23)
merry passion: 5 (Ind. i. 97)
mess, one: 83 (IV. iv. 70)
mete-yard: 79 (IV. iii. 152)
mew: 15 (I. i. 87)
milch-kine: 45 (II. i. 351)
mind: 21 (I. i. 252)
Minerva: 15 (I. i. 84)
minion: 32 (II. i. 13)
modesty: 3 (Ind. i. 68)
moralize: 84 (IV. iv. 81)
mose in the chine, to: 53 (III. ii. 52, 53)
motion: 31 (I. ii. 283)
mov'd: 99 (V. ii. 143)
nail: 77 (IV. iii. 109)
napkin: 6 (Ind. i. 127)
near-legged: 53 (III. ii. 58)
neat's: 74 (IV. iii. 17)
news, what's the: 20 (I. i. 228)
nice: 50 (III. i. 81)
nill you: 42 (II. i. 265)
nit: 77 (IV. iii. 110)
note (noun): 26 (I. ii. 148)
noted for: 52 (III. ii. 14)
of (during): 10 (Ind. ii. 84)
of (on): 63 (IV. i. 71)