Page:Tarry woo.pdf/6

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O this is no a land for me,
I'll tarry here nae langer.
A while he hovered on the wing,
Ere he departed fairly;
But weel l mind the fareweel strain,——
‘Twas, waes me for Prince Charlie.

woo'd and marry’d an’ a’

Woo’d and married and a’.
Woo’d and married and a’,
Was she nae very weel
Was woo'd and married and a‘

The bride came out of the byre,
And O as she dighted her cheeks,
Sirs, I'm to be married the night,
And has neither blanket nor sheets;
Has neither blankets nor sheets,
Nor scarce a coverlet too;
The bride that has a‘ to borrow,
Has e'en right meikle ado.
Woo'd, and married and &c.

Out spake the bride's father,

As he came in frae the plough;