of savage Africa and civilized Europe that she was constantly urging her strange guest to tell her. Faintly they heard a knock at the outer gate and, presently, a slave came to the apartment where they sat to tell them that Mpingu, the slave of Dion Splendidus, had come with a message for Tarzan.
“Bring him hither,” said Festivitas, and, shortly, Mpingu was ushered into the room.
If Tarzan or Festivitas had known Mpingu better, they would have realized that he was under great nervous strain; but they did not know him well, and so they saw nothing out of the way in his manner or bearing.
“I have been sent to fetch you to the home of Dion Splendidus," said Mpingu to Tarzan.
“That is strange,” said Festivitas.
“Your noble son stopped at the home of Dion Splendidus on his way to the banquet this evening and as he left I was summoned and told to come hither and fetch the stranger to my master’s house,” explained Mpingu. “That is all I know about the matter.”
“Maximus Praeclarus gave you those instructions himself?” asked Festivitas.
“Yes,” replied Mpingu.
“I do not know what his reason can be,” said Festivitas to Tarzan, “but there must be some very good reason, or he would not run the risk of your being caught.”
“It is very dark out,” said Mpingu. “No one will see him.”
“There is no danger,” said Tarzan to Festivitas, “Maximus Praeclarus would not have sent for me unless it were necessary. Come, Mpingu!” And he arose, bidding Festivitas good-by.
Tarzan and Mpingu had proceeded but a short distance down the avenue when the black motioned the ape-man to the side of the street, where a small gate was let into a solid wall.
“We are here,” said Mpingu.
“This is not the home of Dion Splendidus,” said Tarzan, immediately suspicious.
Mpingu was surprised that this stranger should so well