Festivitas and together we found the keys that I promised to bring you, but even as I slunk through the shadows of the city’s streets, endeavoring to reach the Colosseum unobserved or unrecognized, I feared that I might be too late, for Caesar's orders are that you are to be dispatched at once. Here are the keys, Praeclarus. If I may do more, command me."
“No, my friend,” replied Praeclarus, “you have already risked more than enough. Go at once. Return to your post lest Caesar learn and destroy you.”
“Farewell then and good luck,” said Applosus. “If you would leave the city, remember that Appius Applosus commands the Porta Praetoria.”
“I shall not forget, my friend,” replied Praeclarus, “but I shall not impose further risks upon your friendship.”
Appius Applosus turned to leave the cell, but he stopped suddenly at the gate. “It is too late,” he whispered. “Look!”
The faint gleams of distant torch-light were cutting the gloom of the corridor.
“They come!” whispered Praeclarus. “Make haste!” but instead Appius Applosus stepped quickly to one side of the doorway, out of sight of the corridor beyond, and drew his Spanish sword.
Rapidly the torch swung down the corridor. The scraping of sandals on stone could be distinctly heard, and the ape-man knew that whoever came was alone. A man wrapped in a long dark cloak halted before the barred door and, holding his torch above his head, peered within.
“Maximus Praeclarus!” he ‘whispered. “Are you within?”
“Yes,” replied Praeclarus.
“Good!” exclaimed the other. “I was not sure that this was the right cell.”
“What is your errand?” demanded Praeclarus.
“I come from Caesar,” said the other. “He sends a note.”
“A sharp one?” inquired Praeclarus.
“Sharp and pointed,” laughed the officer.
“We are expecting you.”
“You knew?” demanded the other.
“We guessed, for we know Caesar.”