returned and with him came Favonia. Her excitement was evident as she hastened eagerly forward toward the youth.
“Tell me,” she cried, “you have brought word from him.”
The son of Tabemarius raised a forefinger to his lip to caution her to silence. “No one must know that I am here,” he whispered, “and no ears but yours may hear my message. Send your slave away.”
“You may go,” said Favonia to the slave, “I will let the young man out when he goes,” and the slave, glad to be dismissed, content to be relieved of responsibility, moved silently away into the shadows of a corridor and thence into that uncharted limbo into which pass slaves and other lesser people when one has done with them.
“Tell me,” cried the girl, “what word do you bring? Where is he?”
“He is here,” whispered the youth, pointing to the anteroom.
“Here?” exclaimed Favonia, incredulously.
“Yes, here,” said the youth. “Come,” and he led her to the door and as she approached it he seized her suddenly and, clapping a hand over her mouth, dragged her into the dark anteroom beyond.
Rough hands seized her quickly and she was gagged and bound. She heard them converse in low whispers.
“We will separate here,” said one. “Two of us will take her to the place we have selected. One of you will have to leave the note for Fulvus Fupus so the palace guards will find it. The rest of you scatter and go by different routes to the deserted house across from the Colosseum. Do you know the place?”
“I know it well. Many is the night that I have slept there.”
“Very well,” said the first speaker, who seemed to be the leader, “now be off. We have no time to waste.”
“Wait,” said the son of Tabernarius, “the division of the ransom has not yet been decided. Without me you could have done nothing. I should have at least half.”
“Shut up or you will be lucky if you get anything,” growled the leader.