the twigs that were fastened: laterally across the rafters to support the thatch and presently, after several of these had been removed, the opening was entirely closed by a furry little body that wriggled through and dropped to the floor close beside the prisoner.
“How did you find me, Nkima?” whispered Tarzan.
“Nkima followed,” replied the little monkey. “All day he has been sitting in a high tree above the village watching this place and waiting for darkness. Why do you stay here, Tarzan of the Apes? Why do you not come away with little Nkima?”
“I am fastened here with a chain,” said Tarzan. “I cannot come away.”
“Nkima will go and bring Muviro and his warriors,” said Nkima.
Of course he did not use these words at all, but what he said in the language of the apes conveyed the same meaning to Tarzan. Black apes carrying sharp, long sticks was the expression that he used to describe the Waziri warriors, and the name for Muviro was one of his own coining, but he and Tarzan understood one another.
“No,” said Tarzan. “If I am going to need Muviro, he could not get here in time now to be of any help to me. Go back into the forest, Nkima, and wait for me. Perhaps I shall join you very soon.”
Nkima scolded, for he did not want to go away. He was afraid alone in this strange forest; in fact, Nkima’s life had been one long complex of terror, relieved only by those occasions when he could snuggle in the lap of his master, safe within the solid walls of Tarzan’s bungalow. One of the sentries heard the voices within the hut and crawled part way in.
“There,” said Tarzan to Nkima, “you see what you have done. Now you had better do as Tarzan tells you and get out of here and into the forest before they catch you and eat you.”
“Who are you talking to?” demanded the sentry. He heard a scampering in the darkness and at the same instant he caught sight of the hole in the roof and almost simultaneously