more than eighteen hundred years. Much can happen in that time—much has happened. Rome fell, over a thousand years ago. No nation speaks its language today, which is understood by priests and scholars only. The barbarians of Germania, of Gallia, and of Britannia have built empires and civilizations of tremendous power, and Rome is only a city in Italia.”
Mallius Lepus was beaming delightedly. “I told you,” he whispered to Favonius, “that you would love him. By Jupiter, I wish he would tell Validus the story of the litters that travel fifty thousand paces an hour!”
There was that in the tone and manner of von Harben that compelled confidence and belief, so that even the suspicious Validus gave credence to the seemingly wild tales of the stranger and presently found himself asking questions of the barbarian.
Finally the Emperor turned to Fulvus Fupus. “Upon what proof did you accuse this man of being a spy from Castra Sanguinarius?” he demanded.
“Where else may he be from?” asked Fulvus Fupus “We know he is not from Castrum Mare, so he must be from Castrum Sanguinarius.” “You have no evidence then to substantiate your accusations?”
Fupus hesitated.
“Get out,” ordered Validus, angrily. “I shall attend to you later.”
Overcome by mortification, Fupus left the garden, but the malevolent glances that he shot at Favonius, Lepus, and Erich boded them no good. Validus looked long and searchingly at von Harben for several minutes after Fupus quit the garden as though attempting to read the soul of the stranger standing before him.
“So there is no Emperor at Rome,” he mused, half aloud. “When Sanguinarius led his cohort out of Aegyptus, Nerva was Emperor. That was upon the sixth day before the calends of February in the 848th. year of the city in the second year of Nerva’s reign. Since that day no word of