Page:Tax'd dogs' garland.pdf/2

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UPON the road the other day,
I chanc'd to overtake Sir,
Two country-men upon the road,
who great complaint did make Sir.

One of the two right mournful ſaid,
oh! have you heard the news, Sir,
A heavy tax is laid on dogs,
which are of ſo great uſe, Sir.

Six ſhillings now we all muſt pay,
if that a dog we keep, Sir,
Poor people cannot this afford,
tho' they ſhoud loſe their ſheep, Sir.

I'm ſeventy years or thereabout,
my neighbour's ſixty ſax, Sir,
But never ſaw the like of this,
to lay on dogs a tax, Sir.

Wow man, I think, there's mony ways,
to clear the nation's load, Sir,