Page:Tayama Katai and His Novel Entitled Futon (Reece).pdf/227

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One month passed without an incident.

Then, one day Tokio received a post card addressed to Yoshiko. It was written in English. On casually reading this post card, he found out that Tanaka was coming with provisions for about one month, and after that he was going to try, one way or another, to find a job in Tokyo to cover living expenses. Tokio's heart pounded. His peace was all of the sudden ruptured.

After supper, Yoshiko was questioned about the post card. Looking embarrassed Yoshiko said, "Sensei, I really don't know what to do; Tanaka says he is coming up to Tokyo. . . . I've told him not to two or three times, but he says that prompted by this recent affair, he is tired of engaging in religion and living under pretence, and nothing is going to keep him from coming up to Tokyo."

"What is he going to do in Tokyo?"

"He wants to study literature."

"Literature? What do you mean 'literature'? Does he want to write a novel?"

"Yes, perhaps so. . . ."

"Ridiculous!" Tokio snapped out in a loud voice.

"I really don't know what to do."

"Didn't you encourage him to do so?"

"Never," she said vigorously shaking her head.

"I never said such a thing to him. The other day I wrote to him, when he mentioned this for the first time, telling him to give up any such idea at least until he graduates from Dōshisha, as under the present circumstances it would be embarrassing for me.