Page:Tayama Katai and His Novel Entitled Futon (Reece).pdf/247

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my day I could not help being shy just to have a man look at me."

"Times have changed."

"Yes, I know, but even in this day and age they are too modern. They are just the same as demoralized students. Of course it is probably only a similarity in their outward appearance and not their frame of mind. Still, there is something queer about them."

"Such things don't matter. What happened next?"

"Even though O-Tsuru told her that she would go for her, Yoshiko-san said that was quite all right, she would go by herself. She went out, bought some bean-jam cakes and baked sweet potatoes to treat him. O-Tsuru was chuckling to herself. She told me they were really enjoying the baked sweet potatoes when she brought them hot water for tea."

"Tokio could not help but laugh.

His wife continued to talk. "And they were talking for a long time in loud voices. Sometimes they appeared to be arguing and Yoshiko-san seemed able to fend for herself."

"When did he leave?"

"Just a little while ago."

"Is Yoshiko home?"

"No, she went a short distance with him to show him the way."

Tokio frowned.

Yoshiko came in through the back door while they were eating supper. She was breathless and she seemed to have hurried home.

"How far did you go?" Mrs. Takenaka asked.

"To Kagurazaka...." she replied, and turning towards Tokio, she welcomed him in her usual manner; then without stopping clattered