Page:Tayama Katai and His Novel Entitled Futon (Reece).pdf/283

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"Mr. Yokoyama is quite reasonable," said Tokio taking up the old man's words. "He said he would wait three years for your sake. For him to say he will grant you three years sufficient time for you to prove your sincerity is indeed the greatest favor that could be bestowed on you, Tanaka. Even if he said a man who seduced another man's daughter need not talk seriously about marriage, and unknown to you he took Yoshiko home, you would have no just reason to grudge him for his action. But he said that he would wait for three years, and would not give Yoshiko to another man until you've had the opportunity to show your honest sincerity. His words do indeed show benevolence. They're more generous than if he had said that he might approve your marriage. Can't you understand that?"

Tanaka lowered his head and frowned, and tears poured immediately down his cheeks.

Silence reigned over the room.

Tanaka wiped away his tears with his fist. Tokio taking quick advantage of the situation, said, "How about it? Give us your answer!"

"I don't give a damn what happens! Go ahead and bury me in my home town!" Again Tanaka wiped away his tears.

"Shame on you. There's no use talking so defiantly. The purpose of this meeting is for us to talk frankly from the bottom of our hearts and settle the problem to everyone's satisfaction. If you unreasonably insist on not going back to your home town, then there's no other alternative but that Yoshiko must return to her home."

"Is there any chance for Yoshiko and me both to remain in Tokyo?"

"No, you can't. Both of you can't stay in Tokyo because it'll conflict with my supervision of Yoshiko and your futures."