Page:Tayama Katai and His Novel Entitled Futon (Reece).pdf/299

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as he was concerned if Yoshiko of her own will gave up her parents it would be a different matter, but he would not permit it under normal conditions. Besides, Yoshiko was not yet determined to refuse to return home at the risk of deserting her parents. Tokio left Yoshiko in the care of her father and went home.


The next morning Tanaka paid a visit to Tokio. Not knowing what had already been decided, he tried to fully explain the reason why it was not suitable for him to return home. As is usually the case with lovers who have given their bodies and souls to each other, Tanaka tried hard not to be separated by any means from his loved one.

A flush of victory rose on Tokio's face.

"No, that problem has already been settled. Yoshiko confessed everything. I realized both of you had deceived me. Now, wasn't your love 'pure'and 'innocent'!"

Tanaka's face suddenly paled. A sense of shame, rage, and desperation clutched at his soul. He was speechless.

"Well, everything is over now." Tokio continued to say, "I can't any longer be involved in your love affair. No! I'm very disgusted. I returned Yoshiko to her father for supervision."

Tanaka sat quietly. One could clearly see the flesh of his pale face trembling with fear. Suddenly bowing, he left Tokio's house, as if he were unwilling to let things stand as they were.