Page:Tayama Katai and His Novel Entitled Futon (Reece).pdf/315

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to have that last meal with you. Please make allowances for my feelings at that time.

I still vividly remember our parting at Shimbashi Station. Every time I stand in front of a window, I feel as if I see you standing on the platform wearing your brown hat.

The snow had started to fall in the mountainous regions. For the 40 miles of road from Tatai, I could do nothing but feel sad; Issa's famous haiku of

Well, at last
This is my home
In five feet of snow

struck sharply home.

One of these days my father would like to write a letter to you expressing his gratitude; it is difficult for him to leave his business today, as it is a market day.

Please accept my deepest apologies on behalf of my father who sends you his kindest regards.

I have still many things that I would like to write you about which would be distasteful, so I will finish my letter at this point for today as my heart is still throbbing in anguish.

Tokio visualized a 40-mile-long mountain road covered with deep snow and a country village in the mountain region buried under the snow. Tokio went upstairs where everything had been left undisturbed since Yoshiko's departure. Overwhelmed with longing for his beloved woman, he tried to recollect his faintly lingering image of Yoshiko. It was