Page:Tayama Katai and His Novel Entitled Futon (Reece).pdf/331

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I. Primary Sources

A. Works in western languages

Futabatei Shimei. Ukigumo. Translated (under the title of Japan's First Modern Novel Ukigumo of Futabatei Shimei) by Marleigh Grayer Ryan. New York: Columbia University Press, 1967.
Hauptmann, Gerhart. Einsame Menschen ("Lonely Lives.") Translated by Mary Morrison. London: William Heinemann, 1898.
________. Einsame Menschen. With introduction and glossary by M. Blakemore Evans and Ernst Feise. New York: Hold, Rinehart and Winston, 1965.
Maupassant, Guy De. After-dinner Series. London: Mathieson & Co., 1896–97.
Okazaki Yoshie, ed. Japanese Literature in the Meiji Era. Translated by V. H. Viglielmo. Tokyo: Ōbunsha, 1955.
Ozaki Kōyō. Konjiki Yasha ("The Gold Demon.") Re-written in English by A. and M. Lloyd. Tokyo: The Yūrakusha, 1905.

B. Works in Japanese

Futabatei Shimei 二葉亭 四迷. Ukigumo 浮雲. Futabatei Shimei Zenshū 二葉亭 四迷 全集. Vol. I. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1953.
_________. "Shōsetsu Sōron" 小説 総論, "Kalkov-shi Bijutsu Zokukai" カルコフ市 美術 俗解, "Bijutsu no Hongi (Belinsky's)" 美術 の 本義 (ベリンスキー). Futabatei Shimei Zenshū. Vol. IX. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1953.
Kawazoe Kunimoto 川副 国基. Nihon Shizenshugi no Bungaku 日本 自然主義 の 文學. Tokyo: Seishin Shobō, 1957.
Kunikida Doppo 國木田 獨歩. Kunikida Doppo Shū 國木田 獨歩 集. Vol. XVIII of Nihon Gendai Bungaku Zenshū 日本 現代 文學 全集. Edited by Itō Hitoshi 伊藤 整. 102 vols. Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1965.
Masamune Hakuchō 正宗 白鳥. Masamune Hakuchō Zenshū 正宗 白鳥 全集. Edited by Nakajima Kawatarō 中島 河太郎. 13 vols. Tokyo: Shinchōsha, 1966–68.