Page:Telecommunication Ordinance, 1962 (Cap. 106).pdf/13

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No. 46 of 1962.

(other than a military aircraft) or search any vehicle, in which he reasonably suspects that there is anything liable to seizure under pararaph (c);
(c) seize, remove and detain—
(i) anything in respect of which he reasonably suspects that an offence under this Ordinance has been committed;
(ii) anything that appears to him to be or to be likely to be, or to contain, evidence of an offence under this Ordinance;
(d) enter and inspect the premises at or from which any person manufactures, sells or otherwise deals in apparatus that may be used for telecommunication and require the production to him of any books or documents relating to such apparatus.

(2) Where he is satisfied by information on oath that there is reasonable ground for suspecting that there is in any premises used for dwelling purposes anything that is liable to seizure under paragraph (c) of subsection (1), a magistrate may issue his warrant authorizing such premises to be entered and searched by the Authority or any other public officer, and no premises used for dwelling purposes shall be entered or searched under this Ordinance except pursuant to the warrant of a magistrate issued under this subsection.

(3) The Authority or any public officer may—

(a) break open any outer or inner door of any place that he is empowered or authorized by or under this Ordinance to enter and search;
(b) forcibly board any vessel, aircraft or vehicle that he is empowered by this Ordinance to board and search;
(c) remove by force any person or thing obstructing any arrest, detention, search, inspection, seizure or removal that he is empowered by this Ordinance to make;
(d) detain any person found in any place that he is empowered or authorized by or under this Ordinance to search until such place has been searched;
(e) detain any vessel or aircraft that he is empowered by this Ordinance to board and search, and prevent any person from approaching or boarding such vessel or aircraft, until it has been searched;
(f) detain any vehicle that he is empowered by the Ordinance to search until it has been searched.


36. A magistrate or the court may, upon application by or on behalf of the Authority or by any public officer, order that any apparatus in respect of which there has been a contravention or attempted