Page:Teleny, or The Reverse of the Medal, t. I.djvu/113

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and I had a most vivid hallucination, which, strange as it might appear, coincided with all that my friend did and felt.

"For instance, as soon as the door was shut behind them, the lady caught Teleny in her arms, and gave him a long kiss. Their entrance would have lasted several seconds more, had Teleny not lost his breath.

"You smile; yes, I suppose you yourself are aware how easily people lose their breath in kissing, when the lips do not feel that blissful intoxicating lust in all its intensity. She would have given him another kiss, but Teleny whispered to her: 'Let us go up to my room; there we shall be far safer than here.'

"Soon they were in his apartment.

"She looked timidly around, and seeing herself in that young man's room alone with him, she blushed and seemed thoroughly ashamed of herself.

"'Oh! Réné,' said she, 'what must you think of me?'

"'That you love me dearly,' quoth he; 'do you not?'