Page:Teleny, or The Reverse of the Medal, t. I.djvu/41

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"'A scent,—when?'

"'When I was playing the gavotte; you have forgotten perhaps."

"'Let me see, you are right, what scent was it?'

"'Lavande ambrée.'


"'Which you do not care for, and which I dislike; tell me, which is your favourite scent?'

"'Heliotrope blanc.'

"Without giving me an answer, he pulled out his handkerchief and gave it to me to smell.

"'All our tastes are exactly the same, are they not?' And saying this, he looked at me with such a passionate and voluptuous longing, that the carnal hunger depicted in his eyes made me feel faint.

"'You see, I always wear a bunch of white heliotrope; let me give this to you, that its smell may remind you of me to-night, and perhaps make you dream of me.'

"And taking the flowers from his button-hole, he put them into mine with one hand, whilst he slipped his left arm round my waist and clasped