Page:Teleny, or The Reverse of the Medal, t. I.djvu/61

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"'Just like the stage is for most ballet-girls; then I should not like to be an artist.'

"'Oh! they are not the only men who owe their success to a mistress, or to a wife. Read "Bel Ami," and you will see that many a successful man, and even more than one celebrated personage, owes his greatness to——'

"'A woman?'

"'Exactly; it is always: Cherchez la femme.'

"'Then this is a disgusting world.'

"'Having to live in it, we must make the best of it we can, and not take matters quite so tragically as you do.'

"'Anyhow, he plays well. In fact, I never heard anyone play like he did last night.'

"'Yes, I grant that last night he did play brilliantly, or, rather, sensationally; but it also must be admitted that you were in a rather morbid state of health and mind, so that music must have had an uncommon effect upon your nerves.'

"'Oh! you think there was an evil spirit within me troubling me, and that a cunning player—as the Bible has it—was alone able to