Page:Teleny, or The Reverse of the Medal, t. I.djvu/67

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that denomination; for, although I cannot swear as to her sex, I can take my oath she was not fair. In fact, as far as I can remember her, she was a real specimen of the wandering English old maid, clad in a waterproof coat something like an ulster. One of those heterogenous creatures continually met with on the Continent, and I think everywhere else except in England; for I have come to the conclusion that Great Britain manufactures them especially for exportation. Anyhow, I had hardly taken my place, when—

"'Monseer,' says she, in a snarling, barking way, 'cette compartement est reserved for dames soules.'

"I suppose she meant 'seules,' but at that moment, confused as I was, I took her at her word.

"'Dames soules!'—'drunken ladies!' said I, terrified, looking around at all the ladies.

"My neighbours began to titter.

"'Madame says that this carriage is reserved for ladies,' added the mother of my girl, 'of course a young man is not—well, not expected to smoke here, but—'