Page:Teleny, or The Reverse of the Medal, t. II.djvu/139

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we might meet there below.

"The ladies now had, I believe, begun to suspect that our excessive friendship was of too loving a nature; and as I have heard since, we had been nicknamed the angels of Sodom—hinting, thereby, that these heavenly messengers had not escaped their doom. But what did I care if some tribades suspected us of sharing their own frailties."

"And your mother?"

"She was actually suspected of being Réné's mistress. I was amused by it; the idea was so very absurd."

"But had she not any inkling of your love for your friend?"

"You know the husband is always the last to suspect his wife's infidelity. She was surprised to see the change wrought in me. She even asked me how it was that I had learnt to like the man I had snubbed and treated with such disdain; and then she added,—

"'You see you must never be prejudiced, and judge people without knowing them.'

"A circumstance, however, which happened