Page:Teleny, or The Reverse of the Medal, t. II.djvu/181

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splendid symmetry of her outlines, her agility, or her skill, for the race was now reaching its end.

"They were both trembling under the spell of that rapturous titillation which just precedes the overflowing of the spermatic ducts. Evidently the tip of the man's tool was being sucked by the mouth of the vagina, a contraction of all the nerves had ensued; the sheath in which the whole column was enclosed had tightened, and both their bodies were writhing convulsively.

"Surely after such overpowering spasms, prolapsus and inflammation of the womb must ensue, but then what rapture she must give.

"Then I heard mingled sighs and panting, low cooings, gurgling sounds of lust, dying in stifled kisses given by lips that still cleaved languidly to each other; then, as they quivered with the last pangs of pleasure, I quivered in agony, for I was almost sure that that man must be my lover.

"'But who can that hateful woman be?' I asked myself.

"Still the sight of those two naked bodies