Page:Telugu-English Dictionary.djvu/374

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మంచి manchi, adj. Good, excellent, virtuous, proper. 2. Handsome, pretty. 3. Fine, nice, commodious. 4. Much, great, severe, violent, heavy. మంచిది manchidi, adv. Very well • very good. మంచిజాతి manchijati, A high tribe ; a pure caste ; a fine sort, or kind. మంచిపాము manchipamu,|The Cobra da Capello, or hooded snake. The Hindoos term it the good snake, though its bite is nearly mortal, out of superstitious dread of it; and they rather endeavour to propitiate it, than to destroy it. మంచివాన rnauchivana, Heavy rain. మంచిదెబ్బ manchidebba, A violent or severe blow. మంచినూనె manchinune, lit. Good oil. The oil of the sesamum seed. మంచితనము manchitanamu, 5. Goo'dness, excellence. 2. Reconciliation. 3. A friendly footing, or good terms, with another.

మంచు mantsu, s. Dew. 2. A fog, or mist. 3. Snow. adj. Snowy.

మంచు mantsu, v. a. To preserve, maintain, nourish, or cherish.

మంచె manche, s. A sort of stand, or shed, erected on four long posts, iii a field ; for holding persons who watch over the ripe grain. 2. A shelf. 3. A platform. గడమంచె gadamanche, A stand ; as applied to that generally used in Hindoo houses, for holding any thing.

మంజాళి manjali, s. A certain weight, as applied to diamonds only ; I believe it to correspond with a carat.

మంట manta, s. Blaze, flame. 2. Sore, or acute, pain. 3. Fury, wrath. 4. Ardor, heat, inflammation. కడుపుమంట kadupumanta, lit. Belly flame. Jealousy. 2. Envy. మంటమారి s&t,8 mantamari, A furious, or passionate person.

మంటకము mantakamu, s. A sort of cake, made of wheat flour, but without sugar.

మంటపము, మండపము mantapamu, mandapamu, s.A temporary building ; an open shed, or hall, adorned with flowers, and erected on festival occasions ; as at marriage, &c. 2. An open temple or open building, consecrated to a deity.

మంటి manti, adv. vide బంటి banti.

మండ manda, s. A bough. 2. A vessel for scorching grain. 3. The ankle. తలమండ talamanda, The skull.

మండగబ్బ mandagabba, s. The large black scorpion.

మండనము mandanamu, s. Ornament, decoration. 2. Trinkets, jewels.