Page:Tempest (1918) Yale.djvu/30

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The Tempest, I. ii

To answer other business. Shrug'st thou, malice?
If thou neglect'st, or dost unwillingly 368
What I command, I'll rack thee with old cramps,
Fill all thy bones with aches; make thee roar,
That beasts shall tremble at thy din.

Cal. No, pray thee!—
[Aside.] I must obey: his art is of such power,
It would control my dam's god, Setebos, 373
And make a vassal of him.

Pro. So, slave; hence!

Exit Caliban.

Enter Ferdinand, and Ariel invisible, playing and singing.

Ariel. Song.

'Come unto these yellow sands,
And then take hands: 376
Curtsied when you have, and kiss'd
The wild waves whist:
Foot it featly here and there;
And, sweet sprites, the burthen bear. 380
Hark, hark!'
Burthen dispersedly: 'Bow, wow.'
Ari. 'The watch-dogs bark:'
Burthen dispersedly: 'Bow, wow.'
Ari. 'Hark, hark! I hear
The strain of strutting Chanticleer 384
Cry, Cock-a-diddle-dow.'

Fer. Where should this music be? i' th' air, or th' earth?
It sounds no more;—and sure, it waits upon
Some god o' th' island. Sitting on a bank,

378 whist: hushed; cf. n.
379 featly: gracefully, deftly
380 burthen: refrain