Page:Ten Nights in a Bar room.pdf/289

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"Just what I say," was unhesitatingly answered.

" Do you mean to insinuate any thing?" asked the judge, whose brows were beginning to knit themselves.

"Nobody thinks you a saint," replied the man, roughly.

"I never professed to be."

"And it is said"—the man fixed his gaze almost insultingly upon Judge Lyman's face—"that you'll get about as hot a corner in the lower regions as is to be found there, whenever you make the journey in that direction."

"You are insolent!" exclaimed the judge, his face becoming inflamed.

"Take care what you say, sir!" The man spoke threateningly.

"You'd better take care what you say."

"So I will," replied the other. "But———"

"What's to pay here?" inquired a third party, coming up at the moment, and interrupting the speaker.