Page:Tennysoniana (1879).djvu/152

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at odd moments and in different moods—has, we think, never been surpassed by the poet in his lengthier and better known works.

In 1868, Mr. Tennyson contributed several poems to two or three of the leading magazines. They are specified in our Bibliographical List at the end of the volume, and, with two exceptions,[1] were reprinted in "The Holy Grail" volume, published in December, 1869. The minor poems which appeared at the end of that volume are as follows:

Northern Farmer. New style.

The Golden Supper.

The Victim.


The Higher Pantheism.

"Flower in the crannied wall."


For an enumeration of Mr. Tennyson's more recent writings we must refer the reader to the Bibliographical List at the end of the volume.

  1. "On a Spiteful Letter;" 1865-1866.