Page:Tennysoniana (1879).djvu/159

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"—If your greatness, and the care
That yokes with empire, yield you time
To make demand of modern rhyme—"
To the Queen (1851).

"—Se voi mi date orecchio,
E vostri alti pensier' cedono un poco,
Si che tra lor' miei versi abbiano loco."
Orlando Furioso, Canto 1, § 4.

"I scarce could see the grass for flowers."
The Two Voices.

"And rounde about the valley as ye passe,
Ye may ne see, for peeping floures, the grasse."
Peele's Araynment of Paris.

"The coincidence may be accidental, or may be referable to what Mr. Dallas, in his 'Gay Science,' terms the hidden work of memory; but one can hardly doubt that the germ of that fine passage in Tennyson's Ode on the death of the Duke of Wellington which tells