Ode; "All joyous in the realms of day;" God's Denunciations against Pharaoh-Hophra, or Apries; The Thunderstorm; The Battle-field; The Grave of a Suicide; On the Death of Lord Byron; The Walk at Midnight; The Bard's Farewell; Mithridates presenting Berenice with the cup of poison; Epigram; Epigram on a Musician; On being asked for a Simile to illustrate the advantage of keeping the Passions subservient to Reason; The Old Chieftain; Apollonius Rhodius's Complaint; The Fall of Jerusalem; Short Eulogium on Homer; Lamentation of the Peruvians; "A sister, sweet endearing name!" "Oh, never may frowns and dissension molest;" "The sun goes down in the dark blue main;" "Still, mute, and motionless she lies;" On a Dead Enemy; Lines on hearing a description of the Scenery of Southern America; The Duke of Alva's Observation on Kings; "Ah! yes, the lip may faintly smile;" "Thou earnest to thy bower, my love, across the musky grove;" To ———; The Passions; The High Priest to Alexander; "The dew with which the early mead is drest;" On the Moonlight shining upon a Friend's Grave; A Contrast; Epigram; The Dying Christian; "Those worldly goods that distant seem;"