Page:Tennysoniana (1879).djvu/216

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Farringford, Tennyson's home in the Isle of Wight, described, 163.
Ferrier, Miss, her novel of "The Inheritance," 85, 91.
Forster, John, his Life of Landor, quoted, 84; reads Tennyson's Sonnet at the Macready dinner, 108; Tennyson and Carlyle at his chambers, 161.
Fuller, Margaret, on Tennyson, 97.
Fytche (afterwards Tennyson), Elizabeth (the poet's mother), 2.
Fytche, Mary Anne, the aunt of Alfred Tennyson, 2 note.

Garibaldi, his visit to Tennyson, 168.
Goethe, Tennyson's admiration of, 104.
"Golden Supper," the, a sequel to "The Lover's Tale," 48.
Guest, Lady Charlotte, her "Mabinogion," 128, quoted, 129-34.
Guest, Sir Ivor Bertie, 138.

Hallam, Arthur Henry, 22, 23, 26, 27; on Tennyson's "Confessions of a Sensitive Mind," 29, 30 note, 32 note; Charles Tennyson's Sonnet to, 35; his critique on Tennyson's poems in the "Englishman's Magazine," 36; his "Theodicæa Novissima," quoted, 41; his death, 43 note, 45, 46; period of his friendship with Teunyson, 48; on Tennyson's "Mariana," 55 note; death of, 73 note, 151, 167.
Hallam, Henry, the historian, 27 note, 45.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, his description of Tennyson at the Manchester Exhibition, 161.
Helps, Arthur, his "Thonghts in the Cloister and the Crowd," 41 note.
Homer, passage from the Eighth Iliad, quoted, 137 note.
Horace, quoted, 145, 146.
Horne, R. H., his "New Spirit of the Age," 2 note, 157.
Houghton, Lord. See Milnes.
Howitt, William, his "Homes and Haunts of the most Eminent British Poets," 2 note; quoted, 102, 103.
"Hudibras," unexpected rhymes in, 153.
Hugo, Victor, Tennyson's Sonnet to, 154.
Hume, Hamilton, his Life of Edward John Eyre, quoted, 3 note, 120, 121.
Hunt, Leigh, 30 note.

Jerrold, Blanchard, his Life of Douglas Jerrold, quoted, 101 note.
Jonson, Ben, Elegy in his "Underwoods," quoted, 155 note.

Kemble, John Mitchell, 31 note, 32 note.
Kent, Duchess of, Tennyson's epitaph on, 119.
Knight, Charles, meets Tennyson at John Forster's chambers, 161.

Landor, Walter Savage, on Tennyson's "Morte d'Arthur," 84; his playful invitation to Tennyson, 103.
Lawrence, Samuel, his crayon drawing of Tennyson, 157, 164 note.
Lear, Edward, Tennyson's lines to, 93.
"Locksley Hall," 88, 95.
"Lover's Tale," The, 47, 152.
Lushington, Henry, 108, 109, 154 note.