Page:Tennysoniana (1879).djvu/226

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FULLER (MORRIS, M.A.) A Voice in the Wilderness, being Sermons preached at Dartmoor. Crown 8vo, 7s 6d

——— Our Established Church, its History, Philosophy, Advantages, and Claims. Crown 8vo,

FULLER (T.) David's Hainous Sinne, Heartie Repentance, Heavie Punishment. Crown 8vo, 7s 6d

——— Life, with Notices of his Books, his Kinsmen, and his Friends, by J. EGLINGTON BAILEY. Thick 8vo, pp. 826, numerous illustrations, £l 5s

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GUILEVILLE (GUILLAUME DE) The Ancient Poem entitled "Le Pèlerinage de l'Homme," by GUILLAUME DE GUILEVILLE (1330), compared with "The Pilgrim's Progress" of JOHN BUNYAN, with Illustrations, and an Appendix containing the English Version, by JOHN LYDGATE. Crown 4to, with numerous illustrations, 15s

"A volume full of deep interest to the admirers of John Bunyan, and of no small value in illustrating the history of religious allegories."—Notes and Queries.

——— A Modern Prose Translation of the Ancient Poem of G. de Guileville, entitled the Pylgrymage of Man, with Appendix. Crown 4to, twenty-six illustrations, 5s

——— The Booke of the Pylgrymage of the Sowle, translated from the French, printed by Caxton, 1483, with illustrations taken from a MS. copy in the British Museum, edited by K. I. CUST. Crown 4to, coloured plates, 15s

HOBSON (W. F.) Church Innovations, an Examination and Plea for Tolerance. 8vo, 1s

——— Letter to the Right Hon. Montague Bernard. 12mo, 4d

——— The Ridsdale Judgement on Vestments. 12mo, 6d.

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