Page:Tennysoniana (1879).djvu/233

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SHIRLEY (E. P.) A History of the County of Monaghan. Part I. Folio, with numerous Illustrations, Antiquarian and Heraldic, only 250 copies printed, 12s

——— Part II. 16s

——— Part III. 12s

——— Part IV. In the Press.

SINGLETON (LUCY) Some Statistics to Show the Necessity for more Bishops and Clergy. Royal 8vo, sewed, 1s

SKETCHES OF NONCONFORMITY chiefly taken from the Old Testament. 8vo, sewed, 6d

TENNYSONIANA.—Notes Critical and Bibliographical on the Works of Alfred Tennyson, D.C.L., Poet Laureate, Second Edition, revised and enlarged. 12mo

TONES, Sad, for Sick Times, by the Author of "Hints of Horace." Crown 8vo, 3s

(C.) Anglicanism, Old Catholicism, and the Union of the Christian Episcopal Churches. 8vo, sewed, 1s 6d

——— The Future of the Russian Church. 8vo, sewed, 1s

TOWNSEND.—Sunday Utterances of Prayer and Praise. Square 18mo, sewed, 1s

TRACTS. Privy Council. 4s 6d

No. 1—Dr. Stephens on the Ornaments Rubric, Dedicated to His Grace the ARCHBISHOP OF YORK, 1s

No. 2—The Case of "The Seven Bishops"—The Case of "The 4,700," dedicated to the LORD BISHOP OF LONDON, 1s

No. 3 A Handy Book of Privy Council Law.—I. Ecclesiastical Cases.—II. Patent Cases.—Dedicated to the Right Honourable BARON HATHERLEY, royal 8vo, pp. 75, 1s 6d

"This is No. III. of a series of which the first two are already well known, and duly appreciated wherever they are known."—The Church Review.