Page:Tenting on the plains.djvu/13

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CHAPTER XI. Reception by the War Veterans of their Boy General — , Appointed Lieutenant-Colonel of the Seventh Cavalry 1 — A Raid after a Pretty Girl -Our Family of Horses and Dogs — Orders to Report at Fort Riley, Kansas — Jollifications at St. Louis — Friendship for Lawrence Barrett 322-347 CHAPTER Xn. Good-by to Civilization — Westward Ho ! — The Prairie- Schooner as we First Saw It — A few Comments on the Wisdom of the Army Mule — The Wagon-Master and Mule-Whacker as Types of Western Eccentricity — Carrying Supplies to Distant Posts — First Overland Journey in an Army Ambulance — Arrival at Fort Riley — Border Warfare Between Quarrelsome Dogs — The Hospitality of Officers and their Families — Wel- comed and Housed by one of General Custer's Old Friends — Changing of Quarters According to Army Regulations — Preparing a New-Comer for his Call on the Commanding Officer's Family — The New Arrival Presents Himself in very Full Dress — Diana's Horse tells Tales — General Custer Takes his Dogs and gives run to his Horse over the Plains — His Horses Com- mune with him after their Dumb Fashion — The Strength of his Arm Reserved for the Country — Separated from the Post by the Prairie Divides — We Trade Horses — Phil Sheridan Tested on a Race- Track — Fighting Dissipation in the Seventh Cavalry — General Custer's Temptations — The Family Teach him to Appreciate his Sunburned Nose — Men Who Command the Admiration of Women — The Inde- structibility of an Army Demijohn 349-403 CHAPTER XIII. "Good Society" — An Embarrassing Position for an Officer — The General Extricates Him — A Mock Trial — Varieties of Character — Lessons in Horsemanship — A Disgraced Cavalry Woman — Gossip — A Medley of Officers and Men — War on a Dressing-Gown 404-439