Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/333

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Sir Robert Dg? Knt. and alderman of gave one hw:drcd pounds, which was paid by hisex- ecutors, for the up of the college, .,,Inno ?63+. George Be?;?, citizen of �onim, gave ?ne thou- fa?d [?ou?&, with which an crate was bought to the value of fif,ty pounds per ./!nnum, which was order'd to be apply d in the following manner, viz. To the t?oent fenior fellows, next to the ten/bntors , one ?ound y and one fl?illing per annum to each? betides the allow- ance of the Founder: to all the reft of the next to thc�e t?oenty, to each fourteenfi?i.?lings per an- num, and to the Probationers thirq fhillings in like manner. This was given zlm?o ? 6?.6. l{&iiiam Laud, Archbifi:op of Canterbury, betide.; the re;'enues of the new quadrang',e, which wa? tuik at his exl?nce, gave, by w:II, five hundred poun& for the u�e of the fe&?w for ever. r451liam ?uxon, Archbifiiop of Canterbury, gave riven thou?ndi?ouads, with which were bought lands to the value of three hundred and tiff t?ounds per . ?Y nurn, out of the revenues ofwh?cheveryfd/0? and fiholar, betides the allowance of the Founder, is to have fix psnnd? per annum, and the reftdue is to /?i/ssp for the ufe of the college, .,lnno ? 66;. ,Tobiat Ruffat Efq; gave ?ne thouf?nd pounds to buy an ell_ate of fifty pounds per anntsm? which he order'd to be dittributed in tl:z t%llowing manner

  • iz. To thirteen of the I?oorefi fe&ws of the. college,

who haveno ecdefiafiical pre ?rment, college-office, nor l?ur, for that year, thr?e pounds a?i�cei to the Dean of divinio'forty fhillings i and the time �um to the Dean of civil law; who are obliged to make two orations agoinit rebellion? the l?tter on the z3d of Oc7ob:r? and thef?rmer on the zoth ?f ?anuary ?o the Dean: of arts tl?ree pounds aFiecei to the mo- d?r.;tors in arts three pounds apiece i to a fellovo or fcko!ar, {or an oration on the 3oth of January, ten fl'?Iings i and in like manner to a ]e//0:v or fchotar, for