Page:Territory in Bird Life by Henry Eliot Howard (London, John Murray edition).djvu/372

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  • Females, fighting amongst, 109-118
  • — sexual impulse of, 13
  • Fieldfare, 124
  • Fighting instinct, 79, 82
  • Flight, emotional behaviour of Godwit during, 53
  • Flocks, in winter, birds collect together in, 262
  • Flycatcher, 244
  • Food, procuring of, 5
  • — abundance, or scarcity of, its relation to prosperity of young, 15, 16
  • — its bearing, on the movement of flocks, 262
  • — rearing of young dependent on rapid and regular, 179, 195
  • — supply, proximity to, necessary for rearing young, 179, 195
  • Fortuitous mating, 174
  • Fowler, Ward, on the value of communities, Books, 202
  • Fulmar, 121, 247
  • Functional activity, 259
  • — instinct of Reeve, 173
  • Functioning of the disposition, 275
  • — of the primary dispositions, 100

  • Garden Warbler, 223, 225, 230
  • Gätke, H., Birds of Heligoland, 24
  • — on the absence of song in birds on Heligoland, 124
  • — on the early arrival of Guillemots on Heligoland, 64
  • Godwit, emotional behaviour of, during flight, 53
  • — Black-tailed, 53
  • Grasshopper Warbler, 39, 131, 139, 153, 155, 187, 244
  • Greenfinch, 28, 33, 140, 235,236
  • Gregarious instinct, 20, 61, 141, 265-66, 269, 276, 289,
  • 290, 291, 296, 300
  • Grouse, Black, 63
  • Guillemot, Bridled, 64
  • — Common, 63, 64, 121, 192, 195, 206, 211, 247
  • — Ringed, 64
  • Gull, Common, 119
  • — Herring, 210, 278

  • Habit formation, law of, 8, 62, 65, 66, 67, 205
  • Hawfinch, 28
  • Headquarters, 176, 206, 207, 274
  • — restricted, 8, 9,-30, 50, 58, 64, 127
  • Hedge-Sparrow, 213, 221, 244
  • Hereditary equipment, 6
  • Herring-Gull, 210, 278
  • Hooded-Crow, 202
  • Hostility and territory, relationship between, 242
  • House-Sparrow, 218

  • Imitation, vocal, powers of, 156, 157, 161
  • Impulse, internal, 279
  • — to brood, 191
  • Inherited disposition, 5
  • Instinct, fighting, 79-82
  • — gregarious, 20, 61, 141, 265, 266,1269, 276, 289, 290, 291, 296, 300
  • — migratory, 37
  • — of song related to establishment of territory, 125
  • — sexual, reawakening of, 4, 18
  • Instinctive response, 180
  • Instincts susceptible to stimulation, 259
  • Internal impulse, 279