Page:Territory in Bird Life by Henry Eliot Howard (London, John Murray edition).djvu/375

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  • Sexual instinct in the migratory male, 26
  • —of Reeve, 173
  • ——reawakening of, 4, 18
  • —life of birds, 1
  • —maturity, males arrive at, before females, 36
  • —organic change, 92, 123
  • —selection, 166
  • Shag, 121
  • Shrike, Red-backed, 39, 50, 51, 156
  • Skylark, 188, 236, 244
  • Snipe, 153, 156, 219, 220
  • Sociability when not paired, 125, 126
  • Song, as an aid in searching for a mate, 12
  • —its influence on mating, 167
  • —origin of, 138
  • —relation to reproduction, 123
  • —relation to territory, 119-168
  • —volume of, influenced by age, seasonal sexual development, or isolation, 166
  • Song-Thrush, 222, 244
  • Sparrow, House, 218
  • Sparrow-Hawk, 269
  • Spring, at approach of, birds loose their shyness, 138
  • Stability of the water and mobility of the land, 260
  • Starling, 217, 218, 237, 251
  • Stimulation, internal, 62, 123
  • question of, 284
  • Stonechat, 87 187, 188, 189, 222, 233, 234
  • Stout, Dr, Manual of Psychology, 1, 77
  • Struggle for existence, 294
  • Susceptibility to position, 96
  • Swallow, 21, 156, 278

  • Territory, 1, 5
  • —adjustment of, 10
  • Territory and reproduction, 169-214
  • —breeding, 2, 3, 7
  • —dates of acquisition of, 33
  • —defence of, 6
  • —desertion of, after rearing young, 276
  • —disposition to defend, 73-118
  • —disposition to secure, 6, 20-72
  • —establishment of, 74, 285
  • —evolution of, 176
  • —failure to secure, 286
  • —fights for, 10, 11, 13, 62
  • —ownership of, 189
  • —possession of, a stimulus to song, 136
  • —its relation to migration, 259
  • —its relation to reproduction, 169-214
  • —readjustment of, 147
  • —restriction of, advantageous for mating, 172
  • —restricted, 8, 9, 30, 50, 58, 64
  • —separate for male and female Cuckoo, 144
  • —song, its relation to the, 119-68
  • —temporary desertion of, 28, 35, 58, 59
  • —and hostility, relationship between, 242
  • Thrush, Song, 222, 244
  • Tit, Blue, 221, 226
  • —Great, 221
  • —Long-tailed, 226
  • Tradition, 300
  • Tree-Pipit, 51, 188, 189, 222, 232, 244, 278
  • Turtle-Dove, 126, 232

  • Union of sexes, 12
  • Ussher, H. B., on the hostility between Choughs and Hooded Crows and Choughs and Ravens, 227