Page:Terrorism (Suppression of Misuse of Radioactive Material) Act 2017.pdf/5

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“ionising radiation” means any electromagnetic radiation or corpuscular radiation that gives rise to the formation of ion pairs on interaction with matter;

“military forces of a State” means—

(a) the armed forces of a country, which are organised, trained and equipped under its internal law for the primary purpose of national defence or security;
(b) civilians who direct or organise the official activities of those armed forces; or
(c) civilians acting in support of the official activities of those armed forces, if those civilians are under the formal command, control and responsibility of those forces;

“nuclear facility” means—

(a) any nuclear reactor (including a nuclear reactor installed on any vessel, vehicle, aircraft or space object for use as an energy source for propelling that vessel, vehicle, aircraft or space object, or for any other purpose); or
(b) any plant or conveyance used for the production, storage, processing or transport of radioactive material;

“nuclear material” means—

(a) plutonium, except plutonium with an isotopic concentration of plutonium‑238 exceeding 80%;
(b) uranium‑233;
(c) uranium containing uranium‑233 or uranium‑235 or both in such an amount that the abundance ratio of the sum of those isotopes to uranium‑238 is greater than the ratio of uranium‑235 to uranium‑238 occurring in nature;