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That's the Real Dandy.

The cant word throughout the town,
So fam’d and of so great reuown
Will shortly be, I hope pull’d down,
It took its rise from Brandy.

The reason is so easy understood,
A cobler’s wife thought Nantz so good,
Who as she sip’d the plesant food,
Cry’d isn't that the Dandy.

The Cobler passing by the shop,
To taste the cordial in did hop,
And finding Neil had got a drop,
He spy’d a stich most handy;

And round the Beggar-market place,
Withit poor Neil he did so lace
Till she with sad distorted face,
Cry’d, Jobson that’s the Dandy.

Of this word he could make no sense,
So straightway dragged his characer hence,
But first he pay’d dear twenty pence,
That she had drunk in Brandy.

And as he haul’d her through the street,