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After. — Place the left "B" or open hand in front, palm toward self and the right open hand in same position with palm of fingers against the back of the left-hand fingers ; hold the left hand still and push the right hand out and away from it. XIV, 276. Or, (2) Hold the left "B" hand palm down but with outer edge turned slightly down half way; across the back of it pass the right "B" hand so the edge strikes first the top edge of the left hand and then points suddenly down. Before. — Same position as in "after," but with the hands reversed so that the right hand is on the inside, and draw the right hand toward self. Or, (2) Hold the left open hand pointing upward and back of hand toward self ; right hand in position as above and draw toward self. XIV, 277. Daily, Every day. — Place the "A" hand against the cheek as in "to-morrow;" push it straight forward a little beyond the cheek; repeat the motion several times. Or, (2) Make sign for "every" (see preceding pages) and "day." XIV, 278. A few days ago. — Place "A" hand with the end of the thumb against corner of the mouth; holding the thumb still there, draw the hand back and gradually open out the fingers one by one until the hand assumes the position of "5." Or, (2) Sign "few," "days," and "ago." "Ago" is signed as follows : Ago. — Throw the right hand back over the right shoulder with the palm backward, same as past. Week. — Clap the hands together crosswise, raise the right forefinger to represent ' ' one. ' ' Next week, or In a week.— Same sign for week, but when the hand is raised to make "one" it is thrown forward to indicate it is in the future. Any number of weeks in the future may be indicated by making any number on the fingers and throwing the hand forward. Last week, A week ago. — Make sign for "week" and then throw hand back over shoulder, palm back. Month. — Hold out the left "G" hand, forefinger pointing upward; beginning at the upper end of the left forefinger, draw the end of the forefinger of the right "G" hand down its entire length. "Next month" is indicated by following